I did recently watched your own perspective from what hearing mom or parents on your vlog called "Response to ASL MUSIC (B.A.B)".. Very interesting!!! I would like to make my own video from my own experience as "not hearing" mom with my 2nd baby who was born Deaf.. OK with you???
Hello! Hope that my msg will work by go thru on this comment from my SK pager during my lunch break. Hi BAD! I had to block the anonymous from my vlog and I do not like their bad words on my email. Too much headaches! Shawn
Hey ASLisRisen - I totally understand about block anonymous BUT I didn't use under anonymous I use under my BAD name, still didn't publish to mine. HMM?? IT was B.A.D. that is unaccept?
I am very full deaf,I am very proud of my Full Deaf.I was 19 years old this time How I learn Sign langs. I am Fall in love with My Sign langs... I belive ALS was so Beatiful.. You know !!! :-)
OH NO!!! Your neck BROKE????
Gosh! Send me your doctor bill after your health care insurance paid the coverage pls???
Hope you feel BETTER!!! Geez, don't do that NECK dance again pls????
Iam freaking out!!! Shawn
That was sooooooooooooooooooooo good. Made me laugh hard. Good imagination
LoL HEHEHE BILLS that Funny one--HEHEH .. Good ONE :-)
Good Luck with Gray and Keith--- Hope so you ENJOY with Them ... Cant wait Right.. BILLS that Funny one
See you Around
Wow! You did scared me after I got up with my coffee recently!!!!
OH PLS You make me laugh so hard . Pls Keep yu alive K ASL RISEN LOL HEHEHE
Shrimpy is so funny! I cried laughing! She is good comedian! Hey Shawn - She is kidding! Smile... see you all at Show Me Deaf Film Festival!
Huh! Well, I already did made my video to respect Shrimpy's painful neck from this copied and pasted link:
Vlogging hugs, Shawn
Hey Shrimpy!
I like the photo of your dog on your vblog! What kind of dog is that???
Smile, Shawn
I wuold like yu watch My Video LOL HEHEHEH
Hope so Enjoy :-)
See you around
OUCH!!!!! Wow! NO WONDER your doctor got so RICH!!!!
Yes, me too hope to see you SOMEDAY so soon!!
Hope you feel better!!!
Softly and carefully hugs, Shawn
Oh Shrimpy,
I did recently watched your own perspective from what hearing mom or parents on your vlog called "Response to ASL MUSIC (B.A.B)".. Very interesting!!! I would like to make my own video from my own experience as "not hearing" mom with my 2nd baby who was born Deaf.. OK with you???
Good humor act ha.
Yeah right on DRMZZ (Mike)! Shrimpy is so GOOD ACT!!
Hope you will use video with your Black Pug, Rocko someday when you have more time! Smile!
To let you know that I just am now working on my next vlog.
Softly and carefully hugs, Shawn
Hey I tried to leave a comment on ASLisRisen's Vlog but it wouldn't let me? I wonder why?
ha ha ha LOL!!!! hands waving....
Hello! Hope that my msg will work by go thru on this comment from my SK pager during my lunch break. Hi BAD! I had to block the anonymous from my vlog and I do not like their bad words on my email. Too much headaches! Shawn
HI Shrimpy & ASLisRisen!
Hey ASLisRisen - I totally understand about block anonymous BUT I didn't use under anonymous I use under my BAD name, still didn't publish to mine. HMM?? IT was B.A.D. that is unaccept?
Good morning B.A.D. & Shrimpy!
Just woke up. REally, I did tried to change "only registered" recently to see if works or not... Oh well.. Im just learning. Thanks!
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